I’ve always been interested in the idea of re-using old laptop LCDs, but it always seemed out of my reach until recently I had a huge urge to wire up a special sunlight-readable Portege R500 “transflective” LCD, and I discovered it isn’t that hard to do!
Viscons Icon Set
Viscons is a hand-crafted icon set for common filetypes used in development
(eg. C header files, binary objects, schematics, 3D models),
using a nice eye-soothing sky-blue theme
Over the last year or so I have been working on this project;
a custom-built smartwatch! It is still very much a work in progress,
and I have plans to build a new hardware platform in the future…
Everything was built from the ground-up: the schematics, PCB, firmware, and PC software.
This project uses the Kinect face-tracking SDK to replace a user’s face with another,
warping it to match the user.
It was developed for my computer vision research project at the University of Canterbury.
Fire Hotspot Detection using an RPAS
As part of a Summer Scholarship at the University of Canterbury,
I developed a system for detecting fire hotspots using thermal imaging
cameras and remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS).
Custom Fonts for Microcontrollers
Here I show how I created bitmap fonts from true-type fonts,
which can then be used in your own microcontroller projects.
I’m currently using them in my OLED watch project.
OLED Watch Rev 2
After making a mistake in my last design, I took the opportunity to
re-design the PCB and add some extra features. This will be a work in
progress so look in here for related blog posts!
PicKit2 Revisited
How to add the latest PIC24 chips to the PicKit2, plus an advanced GUI for editing the device file