A collection of knowledge you might find useful
Driving FPDLink Displays
An intro to the FPD-Link display interface, commonly used in laptop and monitor LCD panels!
Custom Fonts for Microcontrollers
Here I show how I created bitmap fonts from true-type fonts,
which can then be used in your own microcontroller projects.
I’m currently using them in my OLED watch project.
Linear LED PWM
In this tutorial, I will show you how to properly control an LEDs brightness using PWM. It isn’t as simple as you think!
Adding extra chips to the PicKit 2
In this, I show how you can add extra parts to the PicKit2 programmer, so you can program Microchip’s newer PIC24 devices.
Laser Communication (Draft)
As part of a project I’m working on, I wanted to be able to transmit data over a long range laser module. A common green laser pointer works great for this purpose, because they work by doubling the frequency of an infrared laser diode (Diode-Pumped Solid-State Laser)